Come one come all to Pugh's Bulb Emporium!
Our garden centres are bursting with bulbs and your Spring starts right here!
We’ve got a whopping 200 varieties available in both Radyr and Wenvoe with all of your favourites from Snowdrops to Daffodils, Crocus and Tulips and much, much more!
There’s everything you need here to plant 6 months worth of spring colour in your garden to guarantee a bright start to 2021.
As ever when gardening, it is always good to look to the seasons ahead, allowing your bulbs and plants the time to store nutrients and get ready to bloom at just the right time of year. Try these for the perfect colour next spring:
Spring would not be the same without some colourful Tulips in your garden. They grow well in pots and borders, so there is no need to feel restricted by space. There are so very many to choose from so you can mix and match lots of colours from Single, Triumph, Darwin hybrid, Parrot and many more. Or if you’d like a simple colour scheme, why not go for some fresh white Tulips in a big terracotta pot. Simple but beautiful.
The real sign of spring is when the Daffodils are out in all of their flowering yellow glory! Now is a great time to visit and be ready to grab a lovely bag of bulbs to plant out in Autumn, giving them enough time to get ready for a spring display. Don’t forget there are some that you can grow over the winter in seasonal pots indoors. Plant yourself some Welsh Sunshine!
Some of the most stunning spring displays and at all of the gardening shows is the globe-shaped Alliums. Allium ‘Graceful Beauty’ is a firm favourite and won bulb of the year with large flower heads made up of white and lilac star-shaped flowers. Easy to grow, even the seed heads look fantastic.
The pretty petals of the Crocus will make you smile next spring. Flowering for several years in lawns, wild gardens, rockeries, woodland, between shrubs and in tubs on terraces and balconies, these fast-spreaders will guarantee an abundance of spring colour from February/March. Plant from September, ready to watch them grow.
For all of the spring bulbs, the Hyacinth is undoubtedly the most fragrant. From pink to white and dark purple, they pop up in spring and surprise everyone with their amazing smell. If you can’t wait that long, you could even go for some forced bulbs and grow them over the winter months indoors. The bulbs can be placed in a bulb vase filled with water, and you can not only watch the flowers grow but also the roots from beneath.
Whichever you decide on, or perhaps you can’t resist and get them all, getting prepared now to order and then plant in Autumn is the best way to ensure a colourful spring garden next year! Grab your spring bulbs from us and visit Pugh's Bulb Emporiums in Radyr and Wenvoe.